Shell Vaccum Bottle Distribution - 03 Dec 2021

We are happy to announce that we have also partnered with Shell, to provide vacuum bottles for our foodpanda fleet members! The free Shell Vaccum bottles distribution, together with a selection of branded gifts, was held successfully on 3 Dec 2021.
2021 Year-End Appreciation Campaign

The Ola. Tech Sharing session
The Ola.Tech Sharing session held on 13/12/2021 was a great success! Thank you for all your participation and eagerness to know more about “Tech for Good”, all of us learnt and benefited from the sharing session so much! We truly thank Ola.Tech for this partnership, together we hope to bring a green impact to our delivery community.
Congratulations to 5 couriers who have won a refurbished smartphone during the session!

Find panda
We distributed $30 foodpanda pick-up vouchers to the first 3000 couriers who find all the foodie pandas and answer in the form the total number of foodie pandas in the picture.

BenePanda StepCounter Program
As most of our couriers might be aware of the partnership we have with BenePanda. During 20 / 12 / 2021 - 26 / 12 / 2021, couriers who have joined as members of Benepanda are able to earn 3 x Panda Coins with their StepCounter Program!
In order to further reward our fleet, the top 20 foodpanda couriers who have achieved the highest number of steps in BenePanda app also received $100 supermarket vouchers.
Photo Showdown 2022
As the year 2022 approaches, we invited our fleet to take a creative picture of them holding a 2022 greeting to the fleet. We rewarded all foodpanda couriers who submit photos to us complying with the instructions, with a foodpanda pick-up voucher.
We also picked the best 10 photos and created a poll on Telegram for everyone to pick their favourite one. The selected 10 couriers will be able to get $100 Supermarket vouchers on top.
The top 3 couriers who have their photos being voted as the best have each got an iPhone 13!
Hope you all have a fun New Year’s Eve and a Happy New Year in advance!