Service fees adjustments release changes
To accommodate the cut-off date of monthly statements, the last weekly service fees adjustment on Monday of the month will be disbursed on the second day of next month (if it is public holiday, may be postponed to the next working day). For example: the service fees adjustments for 20/02-26/02 orders were supposed to be disbursed on next Monday (27/02) which is the last service fees adjustments disbursement of February, now the disbursement date will be changed to 02/03 (Thursday) for 20/02-28/02 orders.
Monthly Statement: Sent by email on the 5th business day of the following month, including the details of each affected order (e.g. order code, date, and time) and its respective adjusted amount.
Feel free to keep records of order details for future reference, but there is no need to create tickets for each specific event, since we will be proactively analyzing each affected order.
Wrong Pin
We will proactively review every case in which the original drop-off location does not match the actual drop-off address of the customer updated by rider service team. In these situations, if the difference between both drop-off locations is larger than 100 meters, we will proactively recalculate the distance component of the service fee and pay the difference of the additional distance travelled. Please note that all compensation amounts related to Wrong Pin that are less than $3 (e.g. $1.50), we will top them up and pay $3 each; while in very rare cases that the compensation amount exceeds $15, we will pay a maximum amount of $15.
Actions from couriers:
MUST report the new drop-off location to rider service team (live chat while on shift)
Press on the headphone icon on the top right corner
Choose “Drop-off Issues” ,then click on “Wrong pin”
Click on “Chat with agent”
- Rider service team will validate and update the new drop-off pin in the system
*Only the cases in which the customer writes the correct/new address in the customer-rider chat in the rider app, the rider service team will update the pin
*Only the cases in which the drop-off pin is updated by the rider service team will be considered
Complete the delivery of the order to the new drop-off location adjusted by rider service
Payment frequency: Weekly, reflect in rider app Wallet on every Monday
Effective date: 01/12/2021
Canceled/ Redispatched Same Vendor Stacked Order Adjustment
It covers the situation when the first order of stacked orders from the same vendor is canceled or dispatched by any reasons, the second order will be adjusted with a fixed amount at
$5 per order for walker/ cyclist
$10 per order for rider/ driver
Actions from couriers:
You may keep records of order details for future reference, but there is no need to create tickets for each specific event, since we will be analyzing each affected order proactively.
Payment frequency: Weekly, reflect in rider app Wallet every Monday
Effective date: 01/07/2022
Fallback Value Adjustment
There is a system error that a small amount of orders cannot show the exact order service fee on the acceptance screen. If you see an order showing estimated earning is $5.55, it is a fallback amount, instead of the actual service fee. We will proactively recalculate and adjust service fee for all impacted cases weekly. The actual service fee will be paid back fully with the extra paid $5.55 fallback amount as compensation.

Actions from couriers:
You may keep records of order details for future reference, but there is no need to create tickets for each specific event, since we will be analyzing each affected order proactively.
Steps to check the actual service fee after completing the order to keep records if necessary.
Step 1: Go to “Wallet” tab in rider app
Step 2: Look for the related order
Step 3: See the actual service fee paid to your “Wallet”
- If you see the paid amount is $5.55, You may keep records of order details for future reference.
- If you see the paid amount is NOT $5.55, it means the service fee was adjusted with the correct amount and paid to your “Wallet” automatically by system.
Payment frequency: Weekly, reflect in rider app Wallet every Monday (starting on 08/08/2022 for orders impacted between 26/07/2022 & 06/08/2022)
Effective date: 26/07/2022
First Order Of Stacked Order Missing Pick-up Fee Adjustment
We will proactively make up for order missing pick-up fee due to different reasons, such as system mislabeled a non-stacked order as stacked orders, partial of stacked orders being redispatched or cancelled by customer/ vendor etc.
Actions from couriers:
You may keep records of order details for future reference, but there is no need to create tickets for each specific event, since we will be analyzing each affected order proactively.
Effective date: 11/10/2022